Friday, October 10, 2008

Times-Picayune Editorials... Friday October 10th

Art was right for Bywater
Friday, October 10, 2008
Re: " 'Soul' on ice," Living, Oct. 5.

My fiancé and I recently returned to our home in the Bywater after spending a year and a half in the northeast, and we have been very happy to be back in our eclectic and artistic neighborhood.

Recently, after having brunch at the Bywater Barbeque, we came upon Chris Porche-West's art installation, "The Bank of Soul," and both of us noted how well it went with the aesthetics of the neighborhood.

It was with great dismay, therefore, that I learned that the "Bank of Soul" had been destroyed by the city, apparently at the behest of an individual with a petty personal grudge.

One of the things that we appreciate most about our neighborhood is its eccentric character and the participation of its inhabitants in the decorative arts that adorn our buildings and streets.

With all of the swaying telephone poles, cracked and heaving sidewalks, buckled streets and other hazards in the city, it is a crime that one person can distract the rehabilitation efforts of the city to a piece of art.

I understand that Mr. Porche-West's work may have been considered dangerous by some misguided citizens; however, we have plenty of other projects to attend to before we go after artistic endeavors that add to the charm of the Bywater.

I, for one, certainly hope that this is not a trend that will demean the vitality, creativity and character of our neighborhood and our city.

D. Langlois

New Orleans

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